As premium manufacturer of medical products, we work daily to offer the best service and fair price/performance ratio for our customers.
We consider our professional work at a regulatory level, in compliance with the latest international standards and requirements as a matter of course.
Our focus is primarily on the welfare and convalescence of the patient.
To be part of medical progress is very important to us.
We understand quality as constant research, adaptation and implementation of the needs of our customers and new market requirements. Our quality policy requires constant quality improvement, which we achieve together with our customers, suppliers and employees.
The HEBUmedical GmbH as a medium-sized family-run business with its self-financing is largely safe of crisis. The management shall perform a protective function, for example,
that preserves the company from hostile takeover of third parties. The name HEBUmedical stands for tradition, technical expertise, high quality and reliability.
Our destination is the sustainable and long-term economic success of our company. Technical innovations and a high in-house production depth have a high priority for us. We want to follow on our previous successes. We achieve this by working closely with our customers on new innovative projects. Our high quality and safety standards continue to contribute significantly to the desired customer satisfaction.
We pursuit of minimize negative environmental impacts by our business. We boost our employees’ environmentally conscious thinking through active involvement.
We provide a safe working environment for our employees and fair conditions. The employees’ developments of skills are always supported.Dealing with each other and with all others is characterized by respect, dignity, fairness and politeness. Therefore, we don’t allow personal discrimination based on national origin, color, sex, age, religion, disability or personal lifestyles.
We compete only in legally and ethically permissible conditions and prohibit an anti-competitive behavior, such as secret price-fixing. The compliance with applicable laws and professional standards while maintaining confidentiality and privacy of our customers, employees and others with whom we do business is natural for us. We hold on basic human rights and avoid business activities that disregard human rights. Child labor, for example, is not tolerated.
We obliged not to use Conflict Materials. By special supplier agreements we ensure compliance with the regulation.